"नितिने वागा! सत्त्याला जागा".
Dr. Babasaheb Aaanbedkar Vidyalaya Tambe. Tal. - Junnar Dist - Pune Was started on 06/09/1991 in tambe village is situated in tribal and hilly area school have its own building at the starting period. Bramhanath mandir trust-building was used by the school for educational purposes at that time. We built own building in 2013 with the help of the Rotary Club of Pune far east. School educational progress is good. 100%result of S S C student from the last 5 years. The economical Condition of students is very poor. The students studies in school are mostly scheduled tribe (ST)

Improvement is the best way of achievement.

Committee & Team Member

The Founder GANPAT RAO PHULWADE of our school YEDESHWAR VIDHYAMANDIR has started a school, by the thought of changing the future of the villagers. Located at YEDGAON, in the JUNNAR taluka of PUNE district of Maharashtra. Mr. GANPAT RAO sir had started this school, way-back in the year 1987.

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