About Us


Shri.D.B. Kakade Vidyalay Patewadi is a school started for girls and boys of patewadi because before foundation of the school there was Primary School upto 7th standard but for further education students have to go another town then need to travel 14 kilometres there was no bus facility. Girls have to stop their education they dont have money for that. All the students of Patewadi and other villages are economically backward 30% students belong to nomadic tribes many students are many students are sons and daughters of sugarcane workers brick factory workers. So school was started in 1996 by Shri. Santosh Banyasaheb Raje bhosale in his own 2.5 acre land. The school was started with 6 boys who were cow herders. Today in our school there are 256 students in 5th to 10th classes.


Gest leacher arrange in school

Today 3/1/2024 in school arrange gest leacher for 10th student Guidence
prof kale sir Ahmednagar

Gest leacher arrange in school