SMT INDIRA GANDHI HIGHSCHOOL RANMALA was started at 1987 in the village Named SHIRUR in District Pune Maharastra India with a student strength of more than 102 AND TEACHER 11 and offers the MAHARASTRA Stare Board curriculum for classes from 5th to 10th with Semi English qualified teachers and staff. Education is not mean to earn a living but to be qualified enough to contribute to the world with a decent career.
The traditional education system has to be redefined to impart the actual values of an educated being. The values of Vidya campuses all prerequisite of the modern world professional.
To emerge as a Centre of Excellence and Innovation nurturing the potential of students in preparing them to become competent professionals having concern for social values.
To nurture the highest quality of academic excellence and empower students with immersive knowledge and scholastic integrity.
To achieve academic leadership by deep linking initiatives in collaborative research training and consulting.
To create a cusp of knowledge freely accessed by academia and industry with an intent to impact society for the greater good.