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Yedeshwar Vidhyamandir
Yedgaon, Junnar, Pune, Maharashtra, India
Description Of The Project
Science laboratory equipment refers to the various tools and equipment that are used by professionals or students working in a laboratory. The different laboratory equipment used are Bunsen burner, microscopes, calorimeters, reagent bottles, beakers and many more. These tools are mainly used to perform an experiment or to take measurements and to collect data.
The type of science laboratory equipment used mainly depends upon the type of experiments performed by students or researchers. It also depends on how sophisticated the laboratory is and whether it is located in school, hospital, in a research centre or at an investigation centre.
The different laboratory tools that are bought on a regular basis from reputed dealers include test tubes, beakers, boiling flasks and flasks. Some of the basic laboratory items include forceps, clamps, rings and support stands that are used to support different types of containers and test tubes.
Objective Of The Project
Science laboratory equipment refers to the various tools and equipment that are used by professionals or students working in a laboratory. The different laboratory equipment used are Bunsen burner, microscopes, calorimeters, reagent bottles, beakers and many more. These tools are mainly used to perform an experiment or to take measurements and to collect data.
The type of science laboratory equipment used mainly depends upon the type of experiments performed by students or researchers. It also depends on how sophisticated the laboratory is and whether it is located in school, hospital, in a research centre or at an investigation centre.
The different laboratory tools that are bought on a regular basis from reputed dealers include test tubes, beakers, boiling flasks and flasks. Some of the basic laboratory items include forceps, clamps, rings and support stands that are used to support different types of containers and test tubes.
दिलेले सर्व साहित्य सुस्थितीत आणि व्यवस्थित आहेत ते आम्हाला इजिली ऑपरेट करता येतात
Suresh Baban Kasar
Yedeshwar Vidhyamandir
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