Books For Change

Recognizing the drop-out rates as a huge problem, Traceable Giving Foundation decided to provide full set of syllabus-based books to Grade 9 and 10 students in Maharashtra’s most destitute and underprivileged villages. The schools we have targeted are all community run schools; small sized with 20-100 students in total, and where teacher wages are paid by the government, but all students resources are paid by the students themselves. Each student received a complete set of official books required to study all their subjects for the year and give their exams successfully. We called our project ‘Books for Change’.
Books For Change - 2024

Books For Change - 2024

Books For Change - 2023

Books For Change - 2023

Books For Change - 2022

Books For Change - 2022

Books For Change - 2021

Books For Change - 2021

RSM Hong Kong
audited the projects

Books For Change - 2020

Books For Change - 2020

Books For Change - 2019

Books For Change - 2019

Books For Change - 2018

Books For Change - 2018

Project Rating & Review (From Sponsor)

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