Smart School - Road To Digitalization

Technology plays an integral role in determining the success of any type of organization and system. To ensure efficiency in systems, Traceable Giving has developed an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system to streamline resource management and ensure transparency in its educational initiatives. As a result, we have created our system that aims for a 100% conversion rate from %u2018money coming%u2019 to %u2018resources reaching students%u2019. 

The system tracks contributions and efficiently allocates assets to students, providing a centralized data management platform for students, teachers, schools, donors, and vendors. It also offers improved communication for teachers, volunteers, and NGOs. Traceable Giving also empowers schools with Micro Websites, which showcase their achievements and attract potential donors and corporations for further support.  

Teachers receive ongoing training and supervision to navigate the digitalization process. Benefits for NGOs, founders, and sponsors include transparency and accountability, improved efficiency, a collaborative environment, and empowering schools to share their successes and attract further support. By leveraging technology, Traceable Giving is transforming a more efficient and impactful way to support education.

Smart School - Road to Digitalization - ERP System Integration 2019

Smart School - Road To Digitalization - Erp System Integration 2019

Smart School - Road to Digitalization - ERP System Integration 2018

Smart School - Road To Digitalization - Erp System Integration 2018

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Your actions can help ‘Traceable Giving Foundation’. Join us in providing our children with guidance, opportunity, and financial support so they can turn their dreams into reality.